Misophonia International

Misophonia International is a news and media site that shares articles, interviews, product reviews and more for the disorder misophonia. Misophonia International joined the International Misophonia Foundation in 2023 and now serves as the media blog for the organization. The IMF is interested in the greater sensory world, and thus created Sensory Diversity as an off-shoot of Misophonia International which focuses on all sensory disorders, not just misophonia.
273 Articles

Misophonia Is Not One Size Fits All

  Having lots of friends that have Misophonia has been an eye,

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To the People I Love…

I realize that you have noticed odd behavior in me, and are worried.

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Accepting Myself and My Misophonia

From what I have learned, not many people know what Misophonia is.

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Respect, Compassion, and Misophonia

When the conversation turns to relationships, I often run into some recurrent

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The Polyvagal Theory and Misophonia

Since Misophonia is a new disorder, research may go several different ways.

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Is Misophonia Genetic?

What can modern genetic theory tell us about misophonia?   Is misophonia

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Research Interview with Mercede Erfanian

Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout interviews researcher Mercede Erfanian Jennifer:  Can you just

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Researcher Miren Edelstein and Misophonia

Would you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you

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Misophonia Symptoms and Signs

Misophonia symptoms do not necessarily follow a strict pattern. Sufferers experience a mixed-range

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SPD and Misophonia: Two disorders neglected by Medicine & Mental Health

Misophonia describes a neurologically based disorder in which auditory stimuli (and sometimes

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