There’s Light At The End of The Road

Lately I haven’t wanted to talk about misophonia much. This isn’t exactly an article… more a general update. Some people think that I’ve said less about misophonia because I’m doing worse in my life. Actually, that’s because I’ve finally found a balance that is relatively healthy. I think we sometimes get wrapped up in letting misophonia control our every move. If our every forum search, every conversation, and every relationship is defined by this disorder, it’s eventually going to become an excuse not to engage. I do understand that misophonia makes it harder to be with people – trust me. I understand that it’s a hard condition to live with! I spent two years of my life practically hiding because I was worried about what would happen if I were to go out, if I were to be triggered. It was hard enough on me to deal with triggers that happened at home. Every day. I cried a lot. I was miserable. Then something amazing happened.

I moved. I changed my scenery. I know this isn’t possible for everybody but if it is for you I 100% recommend it. I documented my journey here. I don’t think you necessarily have to move to cope with misophonia but I think we all make choices every day that either alleviate our suffering or make it worse.

Try to find a new job if you have to. A new home. Don’t let friends stay in your life who bully you for your condition. Engage less with family members that refuse to accept your disorder. Soundproof your home! Choose to care for yourself because let me tell you – having a space and a world where you’re triggered less is amazing for your sanity. I still have the same level of misophonia, but I’m able to wind-down easier. I still have anxiety and a plethora of other conditions… but I’m in control.

Close that webpage talking about misophonia on your break. Stop engaging every time you think somebody is after you. Don’t let misophonia become an excuse for not living the good parts of your life, and always remember that research is happening. There’s light at the end of the road. I promise you that much. It may sound silly, or hard to hear, but the best way to cope with misophonia is to choose to put yourself first. I think it’s absolutely possible to live a good life with this disorder (it’s hard, but it’s possible).


Sensory Diversity is provided on behalf of the International Misophonia Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Missouri whose mission includes misophonia, misokinesia, and sensory processing disorders.