Academic Article is Major Leap Forward for Misophonia Research

I am so pleased to announce that “Investigating Misophonia: A Review of the Empirical Literature, Clinical Implications, and a Research Agenda” has been published in Frontiers in Neuroscience. As a Literature Review, this paper is a wonderful explanation of the disorder, the direction of research, and a meaningful conversation about the base of research for misophonia. Essentially, this paper is now shedding light on the ever-growing body of research surrounding misophonia. It is fitting that the publication is entitled frontiers because misophonia research used to be a barren land, fraught with misinformation and lack of development. I believe this paper marks what can only be seen as the beginning of a tidal change – in the months, and years, to come, misophonia research is likely to flourish.


I’d like to extend my utmost thanks to the authors of this paper – for without them – misophonia research would remain largely unseen, and I don’t want to think of the very personal consequences that would result from that reality. I want to especially thank Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout for her astounding contributions to misophonia research. Without your inspiring work-ethic, and never-ending commitment to the cause, I am sure that I never would have become an advocate of this caliber. As research director for Misophonia International, and the Director of the International Misophonia Research Network, you continue to work fervently for a future in which treatment is possible.

Of course, no academic paper is written alone, and I am eternally grateful to Dr. Zachary Rosenthal of the Misophonia and Emotion Regulation Program at Duke University. You have always been on our side, and I cannot express how grateful I am to have you fighting diligently for misophonia research, especially considering the weight of your academic achievement outside of the realm of misophonia. I am also in awe of the wonderful work of Dr. Sukhbinder Kumar in the last year – with his breakthrough study on misophonia, and of course his invaluable contribution to this literature review. Your commitment to misophonia research is admirable, and as a sufferer, I am so grateful for all you’ve done. I am of course thankful to Miren Edelstein not only for this paper, but her research and past contribution to Misophonia International as an interviewee, and of course to Romke Rouw for her academic contributions. Thank you for your willingness to share. Mercede Erfanian and Michael Mannino have also been gracious enough to contribute to Misophonia International, and have been champions of our cause over the past few years. I am sure that this is only the beginning of their great work. A special thanks to Mercede for her ongoing contributions to the upcoming Sound Study, as well as her numerous contributions to the realm of research. And last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank Lucy J. Miller not only for her contribution to the literature review but for her unmoving commitment to the betterment of the lives of persons living with Sensory Processing Disorder.

Click Here To Read The Paper

Though not on this paper, I am also greatly appreciative of the work of Drs. Lorenzo Diaz-Mataix, Joseph E. LeDoux, Stephen Porges, and all academics and professionals that have contributed to our news website and to the conversation that fosters academic-driven advocacy and research for misophonia. The work of these individuals has been greatly important to the fostering of misophonia research going forward, and I can’t wait to see the results of future endeavours.

Although I am repeating myself, I believe it’s important to reiterate that I am in awe of each of these individuals. Three years ago when my journey as a misophonia advocate started, I had no way of knowing where this ride would take me. There have been times where I have been worried that misophonia would go largely ignored. I have read false media reports and cried. This has been a deeply personal journey for me. When I discovered misophonia I was 19 years old and worried that I would live the rest of my life saddled to a disorder that has greatly disintegrated my quality of life. Through advocacy, and through the lens of these researchers, I have gained something that cannot be replaced: hope.

Not only is this academic article wonderful, it is just the beginning of the wonderful undertakings by the IMRN. The Memory Reconsolidation Study offers potential treatment and the Sound Study aims to answer the important question of why certain sounds trigger many of us, and not others. I believe whole-heartedly that 2018 is going to be a time of reckoning for misophonia research. This is only the beginning – and I am so happy to be here for the ride.

With Warm Regards,

Sensory Diversity is provided on behalf of the International Misophonia Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Missouri whose mission includes misophonia, misokinesia, and sensory processing disorders.